Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chewy Ginger Cookies

I love ginger.  Especially in the fall, it's so spicy and festive and perfect for cold weather with a hot cup of tea or cider... and I don't even like cider.  When I came across this recipe, I had to give it a shot.  To my delight it was (1) easy, (2) super tasty (and yes, they were chewy), and (3) produced two dozen cookies (um, score).  Normally when I bake, I'll often take some into work to share, but not these, these I devoured all to myself... sort of.

 { I used whole wheat flour because I'm healthy like that ... don't tell my husband }



  1. Yum! These make me think of Christmas haha.

  2. I must make these when it gets closer to christmas! I think my family would go crazy.


  3. YUM! one of my favorite sweets. xo!

  4. mmm...chewy ginger cookies are the best! I love Starbucks' but I have the feeling homemade ones would be so much more yummy! :)

    And you should definitely go see Stef for your hair while you're in TO! The number is 416-236-0663 if you're interested! :)


  5. those look yummy! ginger cookies are my favorites around the holidays. i'm not an expert at baking, so i am a little ashamed to say a box of the Pillsbury kind is in my cabinet!

  6. Yeah! Another tall girl!
    These cookies remind me of my childhood... my brother would bake them all the time.

  7. ohhh, those sound delish! I love ginger cookies!

    Chic on the Cheap

  8. Yum! Looks super tasty. Will have to try this recipe sometime!

    Call Me Ishmael

  9. Those are literally my favorite kind of cookies! Might have to bake some now! (:


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