Friday, September 24, 2010

Self Made

Seduction jacket (last seen here), A.Co Designs top & circle scarf (worn as a skirt) & necklace,
Aldo wedges (last seen here), Bijoux Terner bangle & Foster Grant sunnies

While driving home from lunch, we stopped at hubs' old elementary school and he started to reminisce about his childhood and what it was like going to school.  These rocks are on top of a hill, and sort of make up some of the hill.  He said in the winter, they weren't allowed to play on the rocks, but in the summer, had free reine.  It was so sweet hearing him talk about it and how the school on the other side of the rocks was their rival.  Even in elementary school they had rivals!  So cute.

In other news, I made this skirt, top and necklace... and it doesn't happen very often (or never, actually, this is the first time) that I wear an entire outfit that I made myself.  I picked up this fabric on Friday night, went home and made this circle scarf immediately.  The great thing about the circle scarf, is that you can wear it multiple ways, including a skirt (just like the shredded scarf)!



  1. The scarf as a skirt is so fabulous and I'm loving those shoes more and more every time you wear them!

  2. that skirt/scarf is awesome...i cant believe you made the whole look...amazing...and everytime i see these shoes i want them even more..

  3. love the skirt !
    happy weekend!

  4. You have talent in spades lady. Care to share?

  5. LOVE this outfit! Especially the shoes. Today I found this new awesome shoe store and I was so tempted to buy about 5 pairs. I was even going to tweet you with a pic and ask what you thought! But then I knew you'd say you love them and I should get them and then I would have purchased too many shoes today. lol. So instead I'm going to hold off and go back in a few days if I still want them.

    How about that novella! xx

  6. Great skirt. This makes me want a circle scarf even more.


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