Monday, September 27, 2010

Pumpkin Bread

I decided to make pumpkin bread (my first attempt, ever) and although it didn't quite turn out great psentation wise (when I went to flip the bread out of the pan, half of it stuck in the pan, despite greasing it.  I don't think I baked it long enough, as the middle was a little gooey), it tasted so great.  I'm a huge fan of pumpkin, especially in the fall, it's so festive!  However, next time I'm going to replace all that sugar though, with apple sauce and see if it turns out as well.  Finally, there was some left over batter which I poured into my mini-muffin tins and they turned out perfectly.

 { putting our new mixer to good use - we got this for our wedding! }



  1. It looks good! We have that mixer, too. Well it's Jared's. I dont do much in the kitchen lol.

  2. oooh that looks so delish...when im home for xmas im gonna make this!

  3. Hey, it's Kristen. You can reduce the sugar content by using pure canned pumpkin, instead of pumpkin-pie filling, which I think has a lot of extra sugar and spices added to it. Looks tasty tasty though!

  4. Use canned pumpkin, not pumpkin pie filling... that will fix the problem :)

  5. Look at you all domesticated!!! I'm glad they turned out okay, they look nummy! I like making muffins, I think it always makes for a fun day.


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