Thursday, September 16, 2010

An Embarassing Moment

Mexx dress, Merona cardi, Bamboo flats, Bijoux Terner necklace, Bay bangle & ring & hubby's watch

I am the type of person that doesn't embarass easily.  I try to laugh at myself if something awkward happens, make a joke, roll with the punches.  This was one day where I could not avoid embarrassment and it certainly got the best of me.

During my lunch hour at work, I decided to take a walk outside and snap some outfit shots while I was at it.  Being the ever-adventurous person that I am (ha), when I came across this deserted park, I thought it would be perfect.  Well, not exactly.  So as I'm snapping various shots and pulling out all the stops, I decide it would be a good idea to climb onto the little springy seesaw and get a pic (funny, harmless, whatever!  Right?  Wrong!).  As I'm in the middle of trying to balance all the while looking like I'm having fun in anticipation of the self-time, I hear a guy's voice say, 'Am I dreaming?'  My neck snaps up to look at this guy, who is about my age, standing about 10 feet in front of me, pretty much in a daze.  He was walking his dog, comes upon me, smiling and laughing (at who?!  Only my camera...) playing on the playground, alone... wow.  I quickly jumped off the seesaw and muttered various things, trying to save face while he asked me if I had any friends and if I always do this... oh and that it looked like fun.  He eventually left, but I'm almost 100% sure I flashed him too.  Wow.  What a lunch hour.

{ having the time of my life, apparently }

{ totally caught red-handed }



  1. Too funny you got caught! Great location though :)

  2. bahahaha I love it!!!

    People see me all the time and generally I just pretend that I don't notice but agreed it is rather embarassing. Especially when it's taking pictures of yourself without the help of a friend/hubs. I take lots of pictures of my face and eyes (obvi) and when people see me doing that they probably think I am the most vain person in the world and am just taking all of these pictures to get the perfect FB shot. . . little do they know! lol

  3. HAhha oh no!! Well I'm sure you'll never see him again ;) The pics are fun so it was worth it, haha. And you got a good story out of it

  4. I Love the "Time of your life picture" put smile onmy face

  5. LOL...the things we do for our blogs!

  6. Haha! Too funny. What I don't understand is why he would stop, if I saw someone doing something a little strange I would walk on.
    Maybe he thought you were cute!
    Nice, bright outfit. I like the cardigan.

  7. LMAO that is hysterical!!! Well you look fabulous so who cares what that creep thinks!

  8. youre SO adorable.
    love your elegant look.<3

  9. "Do you have any friends?" What type of stupid cynical, small-brained question is that?

    What is wrong with being a grown adult having fun on a playground by yourself? Where do we lose the innocence of childhood to enjoy the little things and find boundless joy in things like play or an empty park? Jeez, I want to punch that guy in the mouth.

    Enjoying yourself on a playground seems like a perfectly awesome thing to do!

    Mae Lu, thereafterish.

  10. Hahah, too funny!
    It's an odd thing to try and explain yourself to people passing by.
    What do they need to come and bother us for anyway?? Seriously. Someone is taking photos and you feel the need to discuss this with them?

    But you look adorable, and definitely like you are having the best time ever on the seesaw!

    Chic on the Cheap

  11. I live in fear of this happening. I have had a few incidences but at least everyone has made a comment and then left.

    Some people are OK though. I find if I'm not embarrassed it tends to go better. But that guy sounds like he was definitely not going to laugh it off with you.

  12. How very funny.
    For what it's worth, they turned out great :)


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