Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Wanted: Guest Bloggers

As most of you know, I'm getting married this month (August 20th) and if you didn't know, 1) you know now, and 2) if you scroll down a bit you'll realize I haven't shut up about it. 

That said, I'm looking for guest bloggers to help me out while the wedding activities and honeymoon take place.  I anticipate being very busy and short on time and would love it if you'd like to be a guest blogger at some point during that time (one post).  It would ideally be a post about fashion, DIY or something you as a reader would be interested seeing on A.Co est. 1984.

If you're interested, leave a comment with your email address or email me at ACoest1984@gmail.com and we'll work something out.

Looking forward to working with you!


  1. daniela121383@hotmail.com

    I'd love to! :)

  2. Think you already have it: fashionsmaven@gmail.com - email me, I'm interested :)

  3. I love to (:

  4. I don't know that I'd be any good at it! With my blog, I can just write what I want but I would feel bad if you hated what I wrote, haha. But, if you don't get enough, I can help ya. Also - you can always delay your posts and have them post at a certain time y'know!

  5. Would love to help out if you'd like it!



  6. Congrats on your wedding! We would love to guest blog. Many a topics we can handle, especially those surrounding what it is like to shop after a year of going without! Love, A&P

  7. elleseesyou@gmail.com

    Pick a topic and I can create a post or look through my older posts if you'd like me to post one of those. Congrats.

  8. ill be glad to help out :) isabel.lebasi3@gmail.com


Only nice comments please. That means you, Anonymous.

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