Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Last Girls Dinner

My mom made the sweetest suggestion to my sister and I that we have a girls dinner before the wedding.  Sort of a, 'Last girls dinner before Amanda gets married' - isn't that so sweet?  At the last minute, she asked if my Dad should come, but we decided to keep it just the girls.  It worked out nicely too as she planned it for the night M was out of town for his (second) bachelor party.  We went to Milestones (one of my fave restaurants) and had a delicious dinner.  Afterwards, we headed back to my sister's place for some wine and chatter.  It was a fabulous night - thank you, Mom!

{ our server surprised me with a sparkling congratulatory dessert }


  1. Not only does the food look yummy, but you guys look SO happy! You are simply glowing! What a great idea to have a bonding night before the craziness. Have the BEST time on your special day!!


  2. You've got to be so excited! What a pretty dessert!

    (The Pretty Pauper)

  3. awh, what a sweet dinner! Your family/friends seem so awesome and supportive! Good luck this weekend, it will be perfect! xx

  4. have fun/ amazing day tomorrow!

  5. That's a great idea - glad you did it! Been thinking about you, know you're so excited right now :)

  6. how sweet and fun! :) such a great way to celebrate, with your favorite ladies.

  7. really sweet idea! What a nice mom. I think that's a great idea.


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