Sunday, July 11, 2010

Getting Close

I am getting real close to purchasing some wedding shoes.  I know, I know, some of you are thinking, 'I thought you already had your wedding shoes?!'  And, well, technically yes, I did buy some beautiful shoes that were almost exactly what I was looking for.  Now, the second thoughts are drowning out my desire to wear these for the wedding and alas I'm on the hunt.  I have found something though.  Something that doesn't match the former criteria... at all.  I'm very excited, but, it's not a done deal just yet... so you'll have to stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed for me that it works out.

Oh, and PS, rest assured they don't look like the
shoes above (but damn would I be comfy).


  1. Hey babes.. can't wait to see the shoes you picked out! I'm sure they will be fabulous, like you. :)

    xx Love & Aloha

    ***Oh, I've got another giveaway going on.. come enter! Kisses.

  2. i love the photograph :)

  3. Ooo, can't wait to see! I had 2 pair of shoes for my wedding - one for the wedding, one for the reception. So you can always do that :)

  4. Can't wait to see! How exciting!

    Bren @ Chasing Beauty


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