Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good News vs. Bad News

Banana Republic dress, Aldo pumps (last seen here) & ring, Loeffer Randall bag,
thrifted silk scarf, Costa Blanca bangle & unknown necklace (bought it on vacation in Orlando)

Well ladies, there is good news and there is bad news.  The good news is that my fiancĂ© is back from his bachelor party in Vegas (phew!).  He's in one piece, tanned, a home safe.  The bad news?  He broke our camera within 10 minutes of getting off the plane in Sin City.  Ahhhh.

So I get a phone call, the first day he's there.  He sounds excited and happy; him and the boys (15 of them!) were checking everything out and had stopped to do some shopping.  His voice then turns nervous and he says, 'I feel really bad though, I have to tell you something... something happened... I did something...' ... I start to panick, thinking, 'Something happened already?! It's only been 10 hours!?'  But to my (somewhat) relief, he tells me he broke our camera.  I'm immediately relieved and then almost instantly crushed (which I try to hide with the, 'Oh, it's okay, um, we can get a new one... don't worry...').  My camera.  Our camera.  My life line.  My blog!!?  All of my friends call me 'the paparazzi' because I'm the one in the group always snapping shots, constantly (so much that they are often annoyed - ha!).  Anyways, long story short, that explains the grainy iPhone pictures.  The plan is to go out and look for another camera tomorrow, so, stay tuned my lovely readers.

PS - I just want to send a huge thank-you to all my amazing readers and followers. 
Your comments put a smile on my face, each and everyone of them, thank you! 
Also, as I've mentioned to some of you, I'm unable to access blogs
(and if by chance I can, I'm unable to comment) during the day,
but am doing my best to keep up with all of your
awesome blogs in the evening! 


  1. Oh no!! Agreed that breaking the camera is better news than it could have been but that still sucks. Of course you look stunning even in grainy Iphone pictures! xx

  2. Oh no!!! Your poor camera! I'm the same way, always the one taking photos. But I HATE my new Canon camera (one of the cheaper ones), I got it 2 years ago when my Nikon died XD...so its not exactly new but still :p But I don't want to buy another

  3. Oh no - sorry about your camera! You look great, even with iPhone pics :)

  4. Oh noes! That really sucks about your camera. But the good news is... you get to buy a new camera! I don't know how fancy you want your camera to be, but I'm really happy with my Sony DSC-H10 bridge. *getting all camera nerdy here*
    Love your outfit, perfect for work! That thrifted scarf is beautiful.

  5. Ahhh your poor baby!
    At least it isn't irreplaceable, and now you have a chance to upgrade, right?

    Loving the scarf on the bag, great little touch of color!

  6. Oh no not the camera!!! ahhh!!! But I love love that dress! Is it from your recent Banana trip?

  7. LOVE this outfit. Esp. the shoes and necklace.

  8. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Not the camera!!! These days I feel like I'm more attached to my camera than my phone! Thankfully, you have a camera phone and I can still see your cute dress. :)


  9. AH, there is nothing worse than a broken camera! I was borrowing other people's cameras for almost two months when I broke mine. I feel your pain! Your outfit still looks awesome though. So perfect! I love all of the neutrals together.

  10. Oh no poor you. I would be devestated if something happened to my camera.

  11. Oh bummer about your camera!! I would DIE!! I never leave home w/o mine!! :(
    I am glad he came home in one piece...I barely did!! LOL

    So sorry I have been MIA lately I have been working on some things (that you will see soon) and so it's been taking my time away from checking in. I promise once this is all done I will be back in full swing!! xoxox


  12. you look so hott girl.<3
    im inlove with that dress.

  13. I love a girl who can play the hand she's dealt! Way to improvise with the iphone! Cute outfit, and I'm glad the fiances home in one piece (not stuck on a rooftop in the vegas hotel!)

  14. lovely dress... argh camera trouble... sucks don't it... i feel yer pain!



  15. Hi A - iPhone photos or not, I love your outfit! What a classic dress and those shoes would go with anything!

    The Coach party was indeed fun! Thanks for stopping by my blog and hope to see you around soon!

  16. aww im sorry about the camera...the dress is beautiful and i love the way you accessorized it :)

    Isabel @ Walk of Fashion

  17. Love that dress on u
    Keep in touch


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