Saturday, June 19, 2010


My mom and I hit up Aldo today to look for a clutch for her for the wedding.  While there I found these, the 'Gersten' wedge.  I died.  I grabbed them so quick and held on tight, look at my mom and gave the look of, 'Omigod-these-are-amazing-and-I-need-them-NOW'.  She then gave me the look, no, actually she said, 'Yeah, to go with your other 170 pairs of shoes...' while rolling her eyes.  Sadly, I left empty handed.

Boo hoo.


  1. That is sad because those are gorgeous!

  2. Moms are so funny huh! My mom would probably tell me, "Go ahead sweetie! Another shoe to add to your collection!". She's an enabler when it comes to shoes. hee hee. :) Those are fab.. maybe you can go back to Aldo without mom. Ha ha!

    xx Love & Aloha

  3. aw you should have gotten them!

    xo Lynzy

  4. Haha my mom would have said the same thing!! XD But my Grandma made fun of me for my shoes the other day and my mom actually stood up for me "well she does wear its okay" But I hardly have any shoes...only *counts* 22 and then old navy flip flops :p

  5. love these Aldo makes some AMAZING THINGS!

  6. One of the saddest things in the world is having to leave a store without those shoes you really really needed, oops I mean "wanted." Sometimes when I get home after one of those episodes I look at my ridiculous shoes collection, I realize I really do have too many shoes...

  7. I would have grabbed hold of them too. We need them.

  8. Isn't it horrible when you shop with someone who likes to remind you of everything you dont need?

    quick, go to and get them now!

    Chic on the Cheap

  9. Ugh! I hate when I go shopping with people who really know how much clothes I have and try to convince me not to buy something I really want! You should go get them. If they are good enough to post about, you need them! :)

  10. aldo is so amazing.
    im going to apply to work there. just saying...ahaha. :))
    i love these shoes a freekin ton though. theyre HOTTTT!

  11. sad- those are super cute!!! but, I'm sure Mother knows best...


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