Monday, May 17, 2010

A Weekend Recap

Good morning ladies!  As you may recall, I had quite the eventful weekend lined up (yipee!) and thought a recap would be a great way to fit it all in (especially since I said I would).

The weekend started off with me arriving home Friday evening to these amazing shoes (above)! My fiancé bought them for me for our anniversary and the wonderful UPS man delivered them.  They are a perfect fit and remind me of my recently purchased Anne Michelle heels which I'm already obsessed with after one wear.  They fit perfect and I've been craving some new red shoes (thanks M!).

Saturday was a little road/shopping trip.  Four girls, starbucks in hand and a rental car later, we hit the road around 9am excited for a full day of shopping.  The trip was very successful (a little too successful?) and I was back home just after 9pm.

{ me & CG }

{ purchases }

I know you all wanted to see what I bought, but, you're going to have to wait until I reveal them in an outfit post (you won't be waiting long).  However, to tide you over, I'm sharing one (of the several) dresses I purchased.  This dress excites me and I can't wait to rock it. 

{ H&M, size 8 }

Sunday I was up early (again) to get together with THE 5 (my high-school girlfriends which includes my bff) for breakfast.  We met at (gasp!) 8:30am because yours truly had a jewellery show to do at noon, so we wanted to ensure there was enough time.  Those girls are serious troopers, thanks ladies.

Afterwards it was off to do an A.Co Designs jewellery show.  The show was very successful with about 10 women who loved the product and seemed to have a great time.  Thanks to AT for hosting.  Heres's a picture of my set-up:

What I Wore:
Jacob Connexion jacket, A.Co Designs Shredded Shawl/Scarf, Sirens tank,
American Eagle cami,  Almost Famous jeans (also seen here), Spring sandals,
A.Co Designs key necklace, Old Navy clutch, Hot Diamonds ring, Bay bangle & Suzy ring

* Don't forget to enter my A.Co Designs give-away


  1. Love the new shoes! Sounds like a fun weekend, glad your show was a success :)

  2. Can't wait to see what you've bought. Glad the show went well.

  3. Wow. Sounds like a busy but great weekend. Can't wait to see all the other stuff you bought.

    And the key necklace you made is lovely.

  4. Love the red pumps and your key necklace!


  5. Looks like you had a geat weekend!! Love all your purchases. Can't wait to see how you wear that darling dress <3

  6. Ohh suspense! Well the shoes and dress are gorgeous, can't wait to see the rest of your haul!

  7. Girlllll i love the shoes! please tell me where they are from! hot hot hot! your honey did good!

  8. why do you have to be soo good looking?
    damn girl i love those shoes.
    and i love your adorable little outfits.
    and oh i just love you.

  9. Oooh! Love all the outfits! Those red shoes are AWESOME!!!! :D

  10. Wow, what a great fiance you have! Your new red shoes are fabulous! Looks like a really exciting weekend with lots of great girl friends. Glad your jewelry show was a hit, I adore the key you're wearing!


  11. sounds like a great weekend! i love the sandals

    Walk of Fashion

  12. the shoes... HOT! love them.

    Congrats on the jewelry show, I love your set up!

  13. Those red shoes are gorgeous!!! I love them. I have 1 pair of red patent leather platforms and they are so AWESOME! I think everyone should own at least 1 pair. :)

    Check out the giveaway I'm hosting.
    ThePageStoppers GIVEAWAY!

  14. Ooh, loving that h&m dress! So pretty! Can't wait to see what other goodies are hiding in those bags!

  15. That dress is gorgeous! And your fiance is awesome, what a sweetheart! Sounds like you had the perfect weekend (and I'm dying to see your other purchases!)

  16. Ok, the shoes are RIDIC...and I'm loving all the photography that follows!!! Totally successful shopping day, but the most impressed by your jewelry show!!! WORK IT


  17. Well you were a busy little bee this weekend!! I am loving your new dress and shoes! Can't wait to see what else you got...I am jonesing for a shopping excursion and it still has yet to happen...

  18. What an awesome weekend, especially the shopping part. Just seeing full shopping bags gets me excited! Also, any fiance that buys you awesome shoes is a keeper ;)

  19. Um, fun weekend!!!! I love seeing my friends from high school, so great to be with the old ones. And shopping is always a blast coupled with the fact that you hunny sent you shoes! What a good weekend. Congrats on the jewelery show, your stuff is adorable!!!


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