Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wedding Fund Forgive Me for I Have Sinned

{ Anne Michelle, Imortal Sandal }

Well, I caved.  After not buying a single pair of shoes for three months (!), I could no longer resist when I layed my eyes on these ones.  As some of you know, I have a small shoe obsession... some may call me a collector... so refraining from buying shoes for over 90 days is a helluva long time.  I average several pairs per month but since I'm saving hard core for our August wedding, I've been trying to repress the shoe shopping addiction.  I've been good, up until now (forgive me JM). 

Now, as far as me wearing these beauties, you're probably wondering why I didn't just give you an outfit post with these in them.  Well, as previously mentioned (over a month ago, I might add) I hurt my back and it's still not better.  I've been avoiding the gym, stretching, trying not to do anything too strenuous for my lower back but I'm still in discomfort.  So, I'm conducting a lil' experiment: no heels for two weeks.  I'm on the second week and for a girl that wears heels (almost) everyday, it's getting tough to rock my outfits with the same feeling I get when in heels.  Nonetheless, it's for a better cause and hopefully will provide the results I yearn for (a back-to-normal back).  So, until next week, these beauties will find a place on the (shoe) shelves and there they will remain until their time comes.



  1. They look great! Can't wait to see how you'll wear them. Hope your back is better soon!

  2. tisk tisk....after all the restraint I showed yesterday! LOL

    Well, I am proud of you for fessing up, and I am also glad that it was only ONE pair that you purchased...

    Keep up the great work planning and saving- you will see that it will all be worth the lack of shoe purchases...


  3. I LOVE them! I have a shoe fetish, a big one, at least a pair a week! ha! I'm working on that matter....i admire you for going sanz shoe shopping for 90 days! wow! You deserve the new goods!

  4. I think that's prolly a good idea, although I'm sure it's tough! And congrats on going so long without any shoes-- I think this is only a teeny tiny glitch in the plans and definitely forgiveable. hehe :)

  5. Wow, 90 days! I'm impressed with your self restraint. These are totally worth falling off the wagon though, they're amazing. I hope your back feels better soon.


  6. 90 days is a long time! The shoes are from Charlotte Russe, I know right?!

  7. You are hilarious! I love these though and I think they are definitely worth it!!

    Now as a personal trainer some back of the major reasons we have lower back pain is tight need to stretch them a couple of times a day. Google hamstring stretches...and stretch only those, not your back. 15 seconds each stretch and repeat if necessary. It should feel better in a few days. Take an anti inflammatory too...

  8. These are hot!
    I did the same thing before my wedding... I refrained from shopping for months. Very painful.


  9. hope you get better soon!!!! coz in ur place id be impatient to wear those heels!!! they're gorgeous! and ive been digging grey heels lately!


  10. LOVE THEM! They are soo perfect for the summer. As a shoe lover myself I can't even imagine going 3 months without a new pair of shoes. You are a strong lady!! I'm glad you splurged though :) Hope your back gets better too.


  11. 3 months! Wow, that shows awesome will power. :) I hope before this purchase you at least went shoe window-shopping!! Great pair.. can't wait to see what you pair them with... socks?? hee hee!! I'm need to enter your giveaway below now... HUGS!

    xx Love & Aloha

  12. They look great, too high heels for me, they would make me taller than 6feet.

  13. Three months without buying one pair of shoes is pretty impressive; I know I couldn't do it. Those shoes were too awesome to pass up :)

  14. Ahhh they are so gorgeous!! Three months is like an eternity!

    I try to limit my shoe purchases to one pair a month. Some times I slip and then have to skip a month, or two...

    But those are gorgeous, and you shouldn't feel bad!

    Hope you are feeling better and can wear them soon!

    Chic on the Cheap

  15. 3 months? I don't know if I could do it!! Those shoes are adorable, I can't wait to see them on!!

  16. GREAT PAIR OF SHOES!! I see why you caved! Maybe I need to make a pact with myself not to buy any shoes... I'm like you. I have a slight obsession with them :)


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