Friday, May 14, 2010

Industrialize It

Forever 21 jacket, Pure by Alfred Sung top, H&M skirt (also seen here),
Nicole Marciano pashmina (also seen here), Anne Michelle shoes (getting some play, finally),
Suzy belt (worn as a necklace, also seen here), real belt & ring, and Bay bangle

I am a huge fan of Forever 21 and H&M (case in point: this outfit) however, we don't have either of those stores in the city where I live.  I know several of you girls are going into mild cardiac arrest right now thinking how unaccessible these spots are for me - and I thank you for your sympathy.  However, there is good news!  This weekend, I'm taking a little day trip with my friend (CG) to the next city over where they boast a massive F21, H&M and more!   I know what you're thinking (wedding budget!)... however, I will be frugal... I will be good... I will buy... only a few things.  Stay tuned for the haul!

{ one wear in, and I'm smitten }

* Don't forget to enter my A.Co Designs give-away!



  1. Those shoes are amazing- glad you plurged on them!

    Yes- keep that wedding budget in mind this weekend!!!!

    Miss you!


  2. Great outfit today - I especially like the hot shoes.

    Have fun shopping this weekend but be careful - it's too easy to do a ton of damage at F21 and H&M.

  3. Wow I LOVE those shoes!! :D And have fun shopping :D
    I need to have a splurge day soon, ha ha

  4. I'm joining the shoes fanclub - they are gorgeous and killer! Love love love love!

  5. the shoes are great! and i love that you shot this in a parking garage. happy shopping!

  6. Love the shoes. Hotness!

  7. gorgeous! the shoes, the pink, everything! And yay for your weekend plans! it sounds like a great weekend. Have fun shopping, can't wait to see what you come back with :)

  8. I love those shoes!! And the jacket is pretty amazing as well!! Have fun shopping!! :)

  9. Shoes were so worth it!!!

    Have a fun shopping weekend, I'm sure you wont go too overboard...hahha.

    Chic on the Cheap

  10. those heels are KILLER!

  11. WOW, love the second last pic the most, did you take it yourself?? It's a really great shot, love how vivid the pink is =)

  12. very nice blog!!! you're so nice!!!
    pass to mine and follow me!!! ;)
    xoxo francesca

  13. Amanda...those shoes are worth EVERY PENNY!! H-O-T!!!

    Can't believe you don't have H&M and Forever21!! Well the good news is both are very budget friendly so your money can go a long way...can't wait to see what you get!

  14. THOSE shoes are amazing! Oh geeze, I want to steal them off your feet right now!
    Have fun shopping! I live in a town with no F21 or H&M too (actually, the closest ones are 12 hr drive away) so I can completely relate to the thrill of getting to go shopping at either! Have a blast!

  15. I love you sandals and the pink nail polish =)

  16. I'm in love with those heals...Those polka dots are so cute! and you look stunning!!

  17. you look awesome in these outfits. going to check out your giveaway!

  18. youre so stunning girl damn.
    i love that necklace,and your gorgeous self in general. <3

  19. GAWgeous shoes!! Love this pink on you!

  20. your shoes are amazing!! love this whole outfit, but am seriously swooning over the shoes!

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