Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tan This

Dynamite top, Le Chateau belt, Smart Set skirt,
Anne Michelle pumps, Suzy necklace (also seen here)
 & ring, Swarovski bracelet

I've been going back and forth between wearing tights and going bare-legged.  I factor this decision in the morning on two things: 1. Whether I've hit the bottle lately (and by 'bottle', I mean self-tanner bottle), and 2. The temperature.  Seriously though, I'm sick of putting on the tights so it was refreshing to go without (even though the self-tanning process seems so lengthy: shower, exfoliate, shave, moisturize, apply tanner, walk around for-what-seems-like-forever until it dries... you get the idea).  Does anyone have a favourite self tanner?



  1. i love your necklace its very unique!

    Walk of Fashion

  2. I'm lovin' your navy striped cropped top! ;) And your shoes are so funky! Adorable.


  3. Great outfit! Great shoes!

    So yeah we are going to Vegas for Memorial day and he said he's gonna win money and take me shopping :):) New Marc Jacobs Bag?? hmm....but he did say HE was going to buy me a new one!! LOL!

  4. that top is amazing and seriously you seem to hae the best shoes everrr. <3

  5. You have such gorgeous legs... if the weather can be tights-free then show those legs my dear. :-)

  6. Love your top! And I agree with Leah, you should show off the legs if you can :)

  7. Love the shoes!

    I like Body Glow by Victoria's Secret. It's a gradual self-tanner but by gradual, they mean WORKS REALLY FAST. So you do have to be more careful with it than you would with the other gradual tanners (ie, exfoliate!) but I find it doesn't give you an orange tone at all.

    In a hurry though, I use Dove or Nivea gradual tanners. They dry fast and though it takes longer to develop, it's not some big epic production like tanning normally is!

  8. I've had the roughest time with self tanners. I do all the steps and blend it in over & over. And it always comes out this rusty dirty looking color on me. With big blotchy patches.I am very fair skinned. Yours looks great though, very natural.

  9. I've given up on trying to get a tan and just embrase my pale skin.
    Love those shoes.

  10. Cute outfit! I love the blue top, the necklace, and the heels. Thanks for your support on Twitter =) You have great legs too! x

  11. I am a big fan of self-tanner. Have been for YEARS! I used to hit up the tanning beds once in a while, but it's just not worth it. I mean the wrinkles, the dry leathery skin, and worst of all... skin cancer! The bottle is safer. My favorite is Jergen's Natural Glow. I alternate with that and the Express formula. Awesome!!!

    p.s. I just hearted your etsy shop. :)

  12. i love your shoes with this outfit!

  13. Your style is so fun! Those heels are great. My husband would kill me if I bought more.


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