Monday, April 5, 2010

The List (au moment)

It's been a fantastic weekend and I was lucky to have today off as well, making it yes, a four-day-weekend (amazing!).  It's been a great weekend filled with BBQ's, two Easter dinners, wonderful weather, and lots of chocolate.  Inspired by a couple things, thought I'd put together a list of current things I'm lusting, loving, looking for, listening to, etc.

Lusting for...
{ Spring's Ferdico sandals, $50}

Saw these on my girlfriend HC / future brother-in-law's girlfriend at Easter and fell in love.  Deep.  They come in black as well and just looked so good on her feet.

Listening to...


... some of my recently thrifted items:

{ black patent clutch }

{ silk scarves }     

{ navy blazer }      


My fiancé and I have become verrry hooked on this show about a middle-aged chemistry teacher who turns to a life of drugs and crime without his family having any idea.  Anymore would give too much away, but needless to say, it's worth the watch.

Workin' it out with...

{ Zumba }

I've been doing Zumba for a year now and still can't get enough.  It's a high-intensity cardio work out that includes salsa, meringue, hip-hop, and more latin-inspired dance.  If you know of a gym or rec centre that offers this class, I high recommend it.  It's a great way to sweat it out while having a great time.


  1. 4 Day weekend! Lucky you. I'm at work right now... I'd say BOO, but I'm happy to be here. It means, I have a job and I'm thankful for that. :)

    I love what your futureHUBBS said about the ears. :) My hubbs is a good sport most of the time.

    I love those white sandals! I like that they're white... I've been searching for a pair and found a Dolce Vita one, but it's $89! Dang... maybe when it goes on sale!

    Happy Monday Sweetie.... I think I'm going to have to try some Zumba. I've heard great things!

    xx Love & Aloha

  2. That clutch and blazer are amazing!

  3. Cute blazer. And you thrifted that?! Wow. Nice.

    Hope you had a nice weekend! It was too short huh?

  4. Zumba sounds interesting. I don't think we have that here in our gyms yet. Is there a instructional video for this? I would love to try it. xoxo

  5. Awesome thrift finds!!! The scarves are gorgeous and the jacket is so chic.

    I'm lusting over those sandals as well! I saw it the other day and yes, though black might be more practical... the white one is to die for!


  6. NO WAY!!!!! It's the first time I ever meet another fellow Canadian blogger, well if you minus my school friends who blog. This is so cool! :)

    Scarves are one of my favorite things too, I've just discovered thrift shopping and I have to say I love going for a hunt! Though I have to say I really have no more place to put another scarf. Haha!


  7. Thanks for the links... now I really want to do Zumba. It's so fun.

  8. i love the navy blazer and the clutch....amazing finds!
    Walk of Fashion

  9. I love those sandals, they are kind of like summer boots!

    and your thrifing finds are so great, that clutch is gorgeous!

    Chic on the Cheap

  10. Wow, I need those sandals! Spring, here I come (I really have to check out that store, haven't been in ages!!)

    my friend's Brazilian roomates in New Zealand were HOOKED on Zumba lol. They especially just loved to watch the infomercials for the DVD :P

    I would love to find a place in Van that offers it!

    Lusty xx00

  11. Zumba is definitely getting more & more popular! I see it everywhere now.

    I love navy blazers. your looks super cute on you!


  12. love the sandles that style is so cute!

  13. oooooo those are good finds!!! i don't know how i missed this post!:) WAY TO GO!!!:) you're super creative with lots of stuff too. i'm excited to see what you do with those scarves. LOVE the blazer too.:)


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