Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Fruits of My Labour

Fruit salad is a favourite dish of mine, but I never seem to make it.  I do however think it's imperative to have strawberries and bananas, although the bananas don't tend to last very long.  However, I decided to whip up a quick fruit salad to enjoy with my lunches for at least a couple days this week.  Bon appetit!



  1. Haha... this looks like one of my detox meals! :) Thanks for coming by my blog and leaving a sweet comment! (P.S: no! I'm not starving :)) xxx

  2. mm yum!! I just bought a ton of fruit this week too.. I'm not very good at remembering fruits and veggies..but I'm about to have a fruit salad now, thank you!!=)

  3. Love this idea! How long does it ususally last in the fridge?

    Do you put any toppings/seasoning? (honey etc)

    Great blogging! XO

  4. This looks yummy! :)

    I have been bag tagged which means I had pass it on to 5 other bloggers. I have tagged you darling. I hope you are up to the challenge!

  5. oh, it looks amazing in that cup! :)

  6. Amanda!!! You don't come up my feeder!!! I don't know why even though i'm a follower of this site since you've moved. And I feel like I'm missing out on all kinds of fun stuff.:( i'm gonna try and fix this.:)

  7. this looks so yummy! I have to add more fruit to my daily diet!



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